Thursday 16 October 2014


October 15, 2014

Whenever I am sending in an application or proposal requesting for something, I do ask myself, why should it be me? On so many occasions, the first point that comes to my mind is that I have God on my side and one with God is majority. But, to my dismay, some of those times, my request weren’t granted. Does that mean God isn’t on the throne no more? Not at all! I sat down and thought about it and I realized that for me to get what I want, I must be the kind of person they want.

King David was not the eldest amongst his father’s children yet protocol was dumped. I am sure one thing that stood him out was that he wasn’t lazing around. He had something doing. I reasoned God couldn’t stand those other sons of Jesse because why would they be at home during the day when the youngest happened to be in the bush keeping the sheep. Why should you be given that employment opportunity after graduating six years ago and till now, the work experience column in your CV is blank?

When Solomon was preparing to build the temple and requested that Hiram, the king of Tyre should send him a skillful man who could work with different materials, and also had experience in engraving, the king immediately responded that he was sending Huram-Abi, a man so skillful that he could design anything with whatever material he was given and experienced in all kinds of engraving. (2 Chron 2:1-14) Why must clients come do business with you? What can you do that other competitors of yours cannot?

Why should your proposal be read when it is written shabbily, not appealing and done way below excellent? Why should that sister accept to date you when your dress sense is below normal? God will grant you favor undoubtedly, but you must play your part – dress well, gather more experience, package well, serve clients better, etc.

Be wise!

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylong

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