Sunday 12 October 2014


October 12, 2014

When I meet people, it amazes me how they introduce themselves to me with such a level of pride in what they do. Doctors, engineers, barristers, police officers and other professionals proudly introduce themselves adding their professional title just to tell you that, they feel good doing what they do. The only set of people who find it hard to introduce themselves by adding their “titles” to their names are like prostitutes, thieves, fraudsters etc.

In the Bible, we see how people take pride in their titles. They all loved it because they know that with title come some benefits. A doctor is not entitled to the same benefit a lawyer would get, so is also an engineer not fit to receive the same bonus a pilot gets. However, if there is a set of people who should feel proudest about who they are, it should be the believers. We are not just like everybody else walking the street, we are different in that we are wonderfully and fearfully made. We are God’s own images. In order words, what can’t stop God cannot stop you.

It worries me when I see believers walk about town downcast and all bent over when the scripture says in 1 Pet 2:9 that, “You (as in you that you are reading this) are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light.” To further help you understand what is packaged in being a child of God, Job 22:29a says, “When men (every other person) are cast down, then YOU shalt say, There is lifting up.” Your song cannot and must not be same with an unbeliever.

C’mon, you have angels as bodyguards (Psa 91:11). Stop thinking you are ordinary, NO! You are divinely packaged! Heaven’s comprehensive insurance covers you. Be proud of who you are as a believer because there is royalty in you.


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