Friday 31 October 2014


November 1, 2014

Recently I participated in a football tournament in my office and while we were playing our last match, I fell and hit my head on the ground so loud that our goalkeeper was almost calling for the ambulance. Someone started pouring water on my head and I assume some other people were silently praying for me. After about few minutes, I stood up. There was no bleeding and no headache even after few days.

The following day, I replayed the entire scenario in my head and I wondered what would have happened if there was a stone where I fell or I broke my neck. Friends, our God deserves our praise all the time. Millions that saw October are no more today, but here you are still standing. The scripture says, “In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” (1 Th 5:18) Even though you might not have that job yet, sir, you are not begging for food on the street neither are you eating from the refuse bin.

I can understand how it feels wearing same shirt, trouser, skirt, shoes, etc., since the beginning of 2014 without any new addition. But wait a minute, does a mad man ever bother about wearing new clothes? Does it matter what kind of brand a prisoner is wearing? Does a cancer patient on the sick bed worry himself about buying new clothes? Ma, when there is life, there is hope, please celebrate God that you are even alive and free. Many of your mates have gone. Don’t forget that the grave cannot praise God, death cannot celebrate Him: they that go down into the pit cannot hope for His truth (Isa 38:18).

For a moment, please stop bombarding God with your needs and inadequacies, and just praise Him that you are still standing. Praise Him you can talk. Praise Him you can even think right. If the breath of life is in you today, please celebrate God.


Follow on twitter @iamhenrylong

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