Saturday, 31 May 2014


May 31, 2014

I am sure at one time or the other, you have either asked someone, “Is there any hope?” or someone asked you. Many have been hopeful for a long time and now they are getting tired. It is not a sin because even the scripture says, “Hope delayed makes the heart sick.” However, I have come to tell you this day that it doesn’t matter how gloomy that hope of yours looks like, there is hope for you.

How did I know that? Scriptures says, surely there is an end but the expectation of the righteous shall never be cut off. In order words, the hope of the righteous will never be dashed. In 2 Kings 13, there was a burial of a certain man going on. Suddenly the undertakers saw a troop of army approaching their land. Knowing that the best form of defense is attack, the undertakers put the corpse in the tomb of Elisha and left to go attack the invaders.

Bible says in verse 21b that the moment the dead man was let down and his body touched the bones of Elisha, he came back to life and stood on his feet. I am very sure that everyone would have written him off as dead and gone, but because God has not written him off, even though he died, he had to come back to life. Zec 9:12 says, “Turn you to the strong hold, ye prisoners of hope: even today do I declare that I will render double unto thee.”

Bible says there is hope for a tree that if it be cut down, it shall sprout again. Ecc 9:4a says that, “For to him that is joined to all the living there is hope.” There is hope for you. You shall smile again. Your case file is what heaven is treating presently. Keep on holding on. Don’t get tired, don’t lose hope and don’t faint, because soon and very soon, you are going to dance for joy.

Enjoy your weekend.

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May 30. 2014

I have personally experienced it in life that the fact that some people (friends, family members, colleagues and even Christian brothers and sisters) cannot do something, they go about telling others it can’t be done. As a result of this, many have either abandoned their great dreams or the zeal to pursue it has been killed.

Anyone that says, “It can’t be done,” should always be avoided. Dream killers use their words to poison the mind of the dreamer but the word of God says, “YOU CAN DO ALL THINGS..” You might not be able to do all things considering your academic qualification or background or experience or human connection or physical strength, but the word of God did not say any of these is needed for you to be able to do all things. You can do all things THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS YOU.

When Apostle Peter saw Jesus walking on water, he wished he could walk on water but he couldn’t, however, when Jesus said, “Come!” I am sure some of the timid disciples would have told Peter not to attempt it so he doesn’t end up drowned or eaten by a shark. However, Peter refused to listen to them, he stepped out, and that same moment, the surface of the water became concrete so that Peter could walk without sinking. If he had not become fearful, he would have walked to and back to the boat with the Master.

I understand that some dreams could make even the dreamer fearful, but be rest assured that GOD HAS NOT GIVEN YOU THE SPIRIT OF FEAR BUT OF POWER (to achieve your dreams and aspirations) and that GREATER IS HE THAT IN YOU THAN HE THAT IS IN THE WORLD. As a believer, the power of Christ is working on the inside of you, you are to be at the forefront of achievement and invention. Don’t let anyone talk you out of that wonderful dream of yours.

Always remember that, impossibility is nothing. See you at the top!

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May 29, 2014

An elderly man, in the final days of his life is lying in bed alone. He awakens to see a large group of people around his bed. Their faces is loving but sad. Confused, the old man smiles and whispers, “You must be my childhood friends who have come to say good-bye. I am grateful.” Moving closer to the man, the tallest one among them grasps the man’s hand and says, “Yes, we are your best and oldest friends, but long ago you abandoned us.”
“We are the unrealized hopes and dreams and plans that you once felt deeply in your heart, but never pursued. We are the unique talents that you never refined, the special gifts you never discovered. Old friend, we have not come to comfort you, we have come to die with you.” We all have wonderful and colorful dreams, but in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, effort and action. Dreams will not auto-happen, just so we are clear, you need to make them happen.

King Solomon had a dream of building a temple. The dream temple would not have been built had Solomon not activated the passion in the people of that land by doing the dream. Sadly, when people refuse to do their dreams, another person employs them to help do his own dream which is why the number of employees on earth are far more than the number of employers.

Have you not noticed that majority of the people making things happen in this era are people who are busy doing their dreams. The world would not celebrate mediocrity, the world would only celebrate celebrity and celebrity are the people who are busy doing their dreams. Sir, you only have one life to live, live it to the fullest. There is no worse statement that, “I wished I did my dream.”

Always remember that to dream is good, but to do the dream is better.

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May 28, 2014

In 2 Kings 4, there a woman of Shunem who despite the fact that the Bible did not say whether she was old or young, we could assume she was old because Bible says that her husband was old. She was so kind unto Elisha and Gehazi so much that she gave the prophet a permanent room in their own house. This act of kindness so much touched Elisha that she thought of what to do for them. Gehazi then informed Elisha that the family had no child.

Elisha asked the woman to come and then told the woman that, “About this season, according to the time of life, thou shalt embrace a son.” Bible says, she said, “Nay, my lord, thou man of God, do not lie unto thine handmaid.” It sounded too good to be true. It was unbelievable actually but it was never impossible. Verse 17 of that scripture says, “And the woman conceived, and bare a son at that season that Elisha had said unto her, according to the time of life.”

In 2 Kings 7, when Elisha said, “To morrow about this time shall a measure of fine flour be sold for a shekel, and two measures of barley for a shekel, in the gate of Samaria.” It sounded good but unbelievable considering the level of famine in the land of Samaria at that time, so terrible that some people used their children for barbecue. The Minister of Finance of Samaria at that time couldn’t stomach it when he said, “Behold, if the LORD would make windows in heaven, might this thing be?”

He has forgotten that with man, it might be impossible, but with God, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. Sir/ma, the promise of God concerning your precious life might sound unbelievable and too good to be true, but I tell you, it is not impossible if and only if you will believe.

Keep believing God no matter how unbelievable that promise might sound because whatever He says, He can and He will do!

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Tuesday, 27 May 2014


May 27, 2014

Someone said faith is the currency of the kingdom. In order words, when you bring out your faith, God releases your desires, just same way when you bring out your physical money, the service provider renders the service. I have come to understand that if you do not take any step of faith, you continue living in the “I wish” world.

Many of the miracles that happened in the Old Testament, and the ones that happened in the New Testament, including the ones that our Lord did were activated by the recipient’s step of faith. In 2 Kings 4, a certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets cried unto Elisha, saying, Thy servant my husband is dead; and thou knowest that thy servant did fear the LORD: and the creditor is come to take unto him my two sons to be bondmen.

When Elisha heard this, he didn’t give her any money nor did he ask her to go get a loan to pay her debt, rather he told her, “Go, borrow thee vessels abroad of all thy neighbors, even empty vessels; borrow not a few. And when thou art come in, thou shalt shut the door upon thee and upon thy sons, and shalt pour out into all those vessels, and thou shalt set aside that which is full.” Ordinarily and naturally, what the prophet asked her to do didn’t make sense, but the woman understood that faith doesn’t necessarily have to make sense, you need to take the step.

When Jesus gave the five loaves of bread and two pieces of fish to the disciples, they took that step of faith and started distributing. The more they distributed, the more it multiplied. What have you been asking God for? Admission, why don’t you write your faith admission letter? You need a fruit of the womb, why don’t you go ahead and pick a date for your child’s naming ceremony?

Always remember, that your step of faith activates your miracle.

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Monday, 26 May 2014


May 26, 2014

At one time or the other, we all have unfair things happen to us and as a result of this we conclude within our minds that we will never forgive such people. However, I have come today to tell you that even though someone betrayed you; jilted you; deceived you; mistreated you or whatever, you need to let go of the hurt and bitterness and anger so that you can move forward in life.

For no just reason, King Saul just hated David and he decided to kill him. It was so bad that King Saul at a time left the palace with his fighters in search of David. Even when the King had an agreement that he was never going to harm David again, he still didn’t keep to his own side of the deal. All these were enough to sow some seeds of discord and bitterness in David but instead, he chose to forgive the king and just forge ahead.

Joseph’s brother sold him into slavery. They betrayed him big time. He could have allowed what they did to him affect his destiny but he chose to forgive and forged ahead to claim his place in destiny. If he had been busy planning a revenge attack against his brothers, Joseph might never have fulfilled destiny. Even when it was in his power to harm and revenge, he choose not to because he understood that vengeance is the Lord and He will repay.

Someone said when you chose not to forgive someone, you have just given the person the remote control of your joy. In order words, no matter how happy you are, the moment you see the person, you start boiling on the inside. I understand that person might not deserve forgiveness considering the gravity of what he/she did and I know it is not as easy as it sounds to forgive but you need to always remember that until you forgive others, your Father in heaven can’t forgive you.

Blessed Day Ahead!

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May 25, 2014

One of the things I have seen is that we live in a generation where kingdom giving has been generally termed as a way by which men of God get richer and people of God get poorer. For the ordinary man, this might be true, but for a believer of Christ, this is so untrue because He knows he is obeying the instruction of the Lord and there is always a reward.

In the book of 2 Kings 3, the king of Judah, king of Edom and king of Israel arose to fight the Moabites. When Elisha was asked if the battle was going to be a good one, he said in verse 18b that, “He (God) will deliver the Moabites also into your hand.” In order words, it was going to be a cheap battle for them.

However, when the king of Moab saw that the battle was too fierce for him, Bible says in verse 27 that, he sacrificially offered his eldest son that should have reigned after him as a burnt offering to the Lord. Immediately this was done, despite the promise that the land of Moab was going to be delivered into the hand of the Israelites, Bible says there was great indignation against Israel: and they departed from him, and returned to their own land.

We all know what happened to Abraham as a result of accepting to offer and even attempting to offer Isaac as a burnt offering to the Lord. Because of that act of that day, Abraham became the father of all nations. What your wisdom and energy and human connection can never get for you, your offering is capable of getting it for you because you are offering it to the God who has the whole world in His hands.

Don’t let the view of the world disrupt your view of the word of God. Always remember that whatever you give unto the Lord, you get a return that is pressed down, shaken together and running over. Most importantly, give cheerfully.

Happy Sunday!

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May 24, 2014

Prayer is one of the scarcest commodity to find in the warehouse of a believer. Many of us pray when faced with troubles or challenges. I remember what my grandmother used to tell us that, “Pray so that you won’t have to pray.” In order words, there are some prayers that believers are praying today that would never been necessary if they had prayed earlier than now.

It thrills me to read that the son of God – Jesus, took time to pray during His journey here on earth. Jesus made prayer His lifestyle. When He wanted to feed the five thousand with just few provisions, all He had to do was pray a prayer of thanksgiving. You would agree with me that if Jesus had not prayed, His ministry might not have suffered any decline but He prayed just to show us that prayer ought to be our lifestyle. Luk 18:1b says, “Men ought always to pray, and not to faint.”

Prayer is not what you do when you feel like, it is what you do every time and anytime. It is meant to be the lifestyle of every believer. I have come to discover that the man that prays regularly is difficult to be preyed upon by the enemies, because prayer brings God into the equation of one’s life. Someone said that he that kneels before God regularly would never find it hard to stand before men always.

For me, prayer is an act of humility because you know full well you can’t do it all alone. 2 Chron 7:14a says, “If my people that are called by My name would humble themselves and pray.” The thing about many of us is that the moment we break free or breakthrough, we relegate prayer to the backbench. This ought not to be so, the higher you go, the more you ought to pray because the devil is seeking for who to bring down and homes to shatter and destinies to destroy. You shall not be a prey.

Enjoy your weekend.

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylong


May 23, 2014

One of the things I like about our God is that He is very dependable. Whatever He says He will do, He will surely do.  I tell people that there are some things that God cannot do, one of it is that God can never disappoint, because He is not a man that repents of his words. Come rain, come shine, come noon, come daybreak, He remains ever strong and dependable.

In 1 Kings 18, Elijah was to contest with four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal to confirm the most dependable God. The condition of the contest was that, each side would choose a bull and call upon their god to consume the bull with fire. Bible says, the prophets of Ball called upon Baal from morning till evening, but no response. They went to the extent of cutting themselves with knives maybe the sight of blood would move their god to action, but nothing happened.

However, when it was Elijah’s turn, because he understood that he served a God that neither sleep nor slumber, Elijah told them to even drench the bull with four water pots full of water. He never did any spiritual acrobatic display but instead, he only requested that Jehovah should swing into action. Bible says in verse 38 that, “Then the fire of the LORD fell, and consumed the burnt sacrifice, and the wood, and the stones, and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench.”

Our God is a very dependable God. He is always dependably available 24/7. He said when you call on Him, He will answer just to tell you that He is always there. However, Bible says, if you have faith like a seed of mustard, you will say to a mountain, move, and it will move, as such, you should not forget to remember that to enjoy the dependable God, faith is key.

Stay blessed.

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Thursday, 22 May 2014


May 22, 2014

When you know the worth of the God you serve, no matter the challenge or opposition facing you, you remain unmoved because you have an understanding that they that know their God shall be strong and shall do exploits. It is like a case of the son of an Inspector General of Police been unlawfully harassed by police officers, he need not fidget as he is aware the commander in chief is his person.

In 2 Kings 1, King Ahaziah sent captain with fifty men to go arrest Elijah for saying that the king would not come down from the sick bed but die. I am very sure the fifty men were fully armed from head to toe ready for battle, but this did not move Elijah at all. I love what he said in verse 10, “If I be a man of God, then let fire come down from heaven and consume you and your fifty men.” Bible says fire came down immediately.

Also, after Elijah was caught up into heaven and Elisha was to pass by Jordan, he understood the power of the God of Elijah, so he never worried himself about how he was going to cross, rather he took the same mantle that Elijah had used and struck the water in the name of the God of Elijah. Bible says the water parted.

An understanding of your God gives you assurance that whenever you call on Him, He will answer you. A God you do not know is not obliged to answer you. This was what happened to the seven sons of Sceva when they were trying to cast out evil spirits in the name of a God they never knew. Bible says the evil spirit tore them naked and wounded them.

Do you know the worth of your God? Do you know what He can do? Then, why fidget in the face of trouble. Always remember that no matter how big your trouble is, Jesus is bigger and stronger.

Hold on to Him.

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May 21, 2014

Seeing is a deliberate and intentional act of choosing what to look at. You can look and not see, but you can’t see and not look. What you see is what you get. Mar 8:18a says “Having eyes, see ye not?” Someone said many look, few see. Friends, the truth is this, if your eyes are not seeing well, your journey in life might not go well.

In the book of 2Kings 6, we read of the story of the King of Syria warring against Israel. Elisha quickly came to the aid of the Israelites and this got the king of Syria angry. So he ordered that Elisha be arrested. When Elisha’s servant saw the host that compassed the city both with horses and chariots, he became fearful, just like most of us would do.

The servant shouted, “Alas, my master, what shall we do?” He was looking at the Syrian army whereas Elisha was seeing the host of heaven. This made Elisha pray in verse 17 of that chapter, “And Elisha prayed, and said, LORD, I pray thee; open his eyes that he may see.” Bible says and the LORD opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha. The moment the servant saw this, he knew there was no stopping them.

You can go far in life, only if you can see far. You can make it only if you can see it. Until you can form the picture in your mind and see it becoming a reality, it would be pretty difficult to enjoy life the way God designed it to be. Some of us see evil, scarcity, failure, destruction, miscarriage, poverty, joblessness, death and all sort of negative things and we have forgotten that what the eyes see, the mind brood over and that is what the spirit feeds on and in turn becomes what the soul experiences.

The farther you see, the higher you go.

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Tuesday, 20 May 2014


May 20, 2014

In this time of evil and bad report all over the news and everywhere, it becomes very hard to stay positive. There are many consultants and experts out there dishing out various things; we listen to the meteorologist who would wake up and say there would be torrential rainfall tomorrow. Another widely report would come in form of breaking news, “Ebola virus spreading faster than predicted.”

All these makes it somewhat hard for the believer to stay focused on God especially in this age that many of us like to go along with the majority. We say, “Majority carry the vote.” I understand that is valid in the political setup, but when talking about the kingdom of God, God determines who wins.

Twelve men from each tribe of Israel were commissioned to go search out the land of Canaan and to bring back a report.  After forty days of search, they came back and ten of the searchers brought a disheartening report, while the remaining two brought otherwise. Because humans tend to go with the majority, the report those ten guys brought had more effect on the Israelites than what the other two brought. However, the report of the two other guys came to pass because it was the report of the Lord.

One’s belief system influences one’s decisions. If you believe God, no matter the report a man brings, it might scare you, but you will never be moved because you understand that God’s word (report) is forever settled in heaven. Man’s report is always to dampen our hope and make us bitter whereas the report of the Lord is aimed at raising our hopes and making us better.

Doctor’s report for me recently had it that I had appendicitis, whereas the report of the Lord had it that I had “tummy-is-expandingcitis.” Whose report will you believe; man’s or God’s? Always remember that God’s report concerning you is good and not evil. His report says you are healthy, wealthy, intelligent, favored, blessed, loved, forgiven, and lifted.


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Monday, 19 May 2014


May 19, 2014

A professor came to class one day with a glass of water. Everyone thought it was going to be the usual “is it half-filled or half-empty?” question thing. Suddenly the professor asked what the weight of the glass of water was. People gave different answers, to which, the professor said the weight would vary. He went further to say that if he held the glass of water for 1 minute, it would not be as heavy as much as if he held it for 10 minutes. In order words, the longer he held the glass of water, the heavier it would be.

A whole lot of believers die prematurely because we hold on to some things longer than we ought to. One of those things is worry. I’ve heard that statement “don’t worry” countless number of times.  Truth is, my appearance would say “don’t worry”, but my inner world could be like a room filled with screaming children.

Come to think of it, the first thing we all do when someone tells us not to worry is to be more worried, right? Some of us are so good at worrying that having nothing to worry about becomes a source of worry for us. When you allow worry to take roots in your heart, it leads to fear and the moment fear exists in you, it becomes difficult for you to exercise your faith.

Worry makes it hard to keep our eyes on Jesus. When you look at the bill to be paid, you would want to wake up earlier than every other person. When you think about your spouse’s behavior, you would want to scream aloud. But let me make one thing clear to you, worry from now till tomorrow, the problem remains. Matt 6 said, “Worry not about anything; what to eat; drink; put on; drive or whatever.”

The best thing solution to tackle worry is seeking first the kingdom of God and God will be busy taking care of your worries.

Have a fruitful and colorful week ahead.

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May 18, 2014

Sometimes it feels like it’s too late for some things to happen for us. It is just like a sixty years old woman without a child, ordinarily and scientifically, it’s too late for her to give birth but with God, I have come to understand that it’s never too late. God is always on time.

In John 11, Lazarus fell sick and Jesus was informed. Instead of going there immediately, Jesus waited for another two days before he went to Judea where Lazarus lived. The moment Martha, Lazarus’ sister saw Jesus, she said, “Ah, Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died.” In order words, “Jesus, it’s too late for anything to happen.” “Even though I understand you are the savior of the world, as regards this case, it is too late.”

Jesus said, “Your brother will rise again.” Martha must have laughed Him to scorn before saying, “Yes, I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day. In this world, not again sir.” Martha was not unrighteous by thinking that way or saying what she said, that was the most natural thing for any man to say. She thought it was too late for a miracle to happen, however, Jesus showed her otherwise.

Sarah thought as a result of her old age, it was too late for her to give birth. Even when the angels told her she was going to give birth, Bible says, she laughed (scornfully I guess). She thought within herself, “After I am waxed old shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also?”

However, the scripture says, there is nothing too hard for our God. Even when men feel it is too late for you to come out of that pit of shame, lack, want, sickness, rejection and disappointment, maybe as a result of your age, location or qualification, relax, trust God completely because with Him, it’s not too late for a miracle to happen for you.


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May 17, 2014

Dale Carnegie said most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all. In a 100m race, even the last person on the track keeps running until he gets to the finish line. Ron Kenoly said, if you are going through hell, don’t stop.

Reading the story of that woman with the twelve years issue of blood, I discovered that the woman was an exceptional woman – twelve years case of non-stop blood flow. Maybe the flow was heavy. There was pain, shame and reproach all around her. One thing that this woman did that I love so much was the fact that she did not lose her hope for a healing someday. She refused to give up on herself. She had the option of either committing suicide or just waiting for when death would come naturally, but she did not.

I don’t know what you are going through that seems it’s all over, I urge you today, don't give up. Keep on keeping on. Keep going. Don’t thrash that vision yet. Don’t dump that dream away. Don’t give up on that career. Don't be discouraged. Have you noticed that it's often the last key in the bunch that opens the lock? Most people give up just when they're about to achieve success. They quit when they are closer to the finish line. Don’t be one of them.

If you won’t give up on yourself or on that situation, God will turn it around. He will never give up on you. He is your father and your maker. He created you to enjoy life abundantly, so hang on a little more because help is on the way. Breakthrough is around the corner. Joy cometh soon. Never ever give up. Spank yourself to action and tell yourself, “I will not give up on me, because God won’t give up on me.”

Enjoy your weekend.

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Friday, 16 May 2014


May 16, 2014

Have you ever been on a queue so long that you wondered when it was going to be your turn, or maybe you have been waiting for something for such a very long period of time and it seems that thing might not surface? If you have ever felt like that, then welcome to the club, you are not alone.

Sometimes we get so tired of queuing that we just decide to leave and come back some other time. However, I have had the opportunity to witness not once or twice where someone behind me on a queue would get called to be attended to – in order words, the queue would be jumped.Others on the queue would want to make a fuss about this but then; there would be absolutely nothing anyone can do. A friend of mine would call it the protocol breaking act. 

Sometimes, you are such in a rush but because there is nothing you can do, you just have to queue up. When Jesus got to the pool where sick people were waiting for the water to be troubled, He jumped whatever queue they had on ground because of that paralytic man.Maybe Jesus healed some other people on that day, I don't know. I am sure there were other sick people before that paralytic man but Jesus must have jumped them to attend to that man. 

I have come to tell you this day that; you are next in line for a miracle, your breakthrough is next; your testimony is the next to shake your community and bring souls to the kingdom of God. Forget about the length of the queue or how long you've been waiting, the same God that jumped protocol because of David when He refused to choose by age or height can because of you, jump millions to attend to your case.

Always remember that in the kingdom of God, impossibility is nothing as long as you believe.

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Thursday, 15 May 2014


May 15, 2014

Many of us get disappointed because we have made a man our only source of help, forgetting that the same man we are looking unto is looking unto God for help before he can help you. Psa 60:11 says, “For vain is the help of man.”

However, when help comes from the Lord for a man, everything created by God, I mean everything on planet earth would have no other option but to help the man. This is why it is so important that as believers, we should never look unto any man for help because Psa 121:1-2 says, “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.”

After Pharaoh had allowed the children of Israel to depart Egypt, he changed his mind and decided to pursue them. When the children of Israel saw him and his armies coming, they became troubled and worried. Behind them was Pharaoh and his men; in front was the Red Sea. By their right and left were thick forests that likely had wild animals in there. At this point, they felt helpless, but because God is our present help in times of trouble, He arose to the occasion and rescued them.

Peter had toiled all night and caught nothing, but the moment HELP Himself stepped into his boat; fishes had to make themselves available for Peter to harvest. Maybe there was no single fish in that river that day, but because HELP was around, fishes from Africa, Asia, America and all over the world had to rush down to be caught. I don’t want you to get discouraged or troubled because help is on the way. God is a specialist in the area of helping people.

Don’t give up on God, just hold on for a little while more because help is almost here. God is working on your case. He has not forgotten you. Help is coming for you.

Stay calm.

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Wednesday, 14 May 2014


May 14, 2014

Some of us feel insecure and inadequate because we pay too much attention to what others are doing, what they are wearing, where they are going, what they are driving, where they are living, etc. As a result of this, they keep beating themselves up and trying to change who they are instead of celebrating their uniqueness and focusing on their own goals.

I have discovered that people who are always competing with others are always struggling in life. One of the most frustrating thing in life is trying to get what another has or trying to become what another person is. God did not create anyone to compete with his/her fellow man. You are made in such a unique way by God so that your journey towards fulfilling destiny might be sweet, interesting and enjoyable.

There would always be someone with a finer body figure, someone richer than you, someone with a nicer car or someone with a better job, it is not your job to start competing with them, your job is to compete with yourself. I do say it that, “It is your race, and not our race.” On the day of judgment, God will not assess you based on what your friends or colleagues did or have, He would access you based on what He has asked you to do.

Jer 1:5 says, “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee.” God knew you were going to be shorter than your best friend, stop discomforting yourself by wearing dangerous high heeled shoes. God knew you were going to come out darker than me, stop trying to bleach out your uniqueness, celebrate it. Celebrate who you are because you are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are not just anybody, you are a perfect and well-made handiwork of God.

A fish would never dare compete with an eagle because she celebrates her uniqueness. Until you start celebrating who you are, you will never be focused enough to become who God has created you to be.

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Tuesday, 13 May 2014


May 13, 2014

Force of attraction is that force that draws one object towards another. A metal does not have to like a magnet before it gets attracted to it, there is a force of attraction in place. Power is one of the forces that attracts vessels anyhow anywhere and I am sure you have heard the saying that knowledge is power.

In the book of Matthew 9:28a, Bible says “And when he was come into the house, the blind men came to him:” The blind men followed Jesus to the extent that every house He entered, they also entered. We do not know if they had someone showing them the road or not. The only thing we know is that they kept following Jesus.

Those blind men kept following Jesus because He had power to heal them. The woman with the twelve years issue of blood did not leave Jesus alone because she knew that Jesus had the power to heal her. Naaman went to locate the prophet for healing because the prophet had the “power” to heal him. If you are powerful, you will attract clients.

Clients don’t patronize you because they just like you; they do because they know that you have a solution to their problems. Patients don’t go to hospital just to go and see the beautiful face of a nurse; they go there because they know that the nurse will give them medications that will make them well. Clients will locate you wherever you are and pay you whatever amount you demand as long as you solve their problems but the force that attracts them is the knowledge you possess.

You are a magnet, as such, what you know and what you can do with what you know will determine the kind of things and the caliber of people you will attract into your life.

Stay blessed.

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May 12, 2014

One of the things that we don’t go to school to learn is how to worry. As a matter of fact, I think most of us automatically became worriers the moment we could differentiate right from wrong. We worry about a whole lot of things; grades in school; bills and expenses; fuel in the car running low; deadline approaching; first impressions; family; career and all. However, many of us do not know that worrying accounts for invaluable time loss that we will never get back, and remember we said time is not just money, time is life.

Matt 6:27 says that which of you by worrying can add a cubit size to his stature? Worrying accomplishes absolutely nothing. It doesn’t help solve any problem, as a matter of fact it compounds it because by the time you are done worrying, you develop headache or fever or high blood pressure and all.

Can you pay the bill by worrying? Can you get good grades by mere worrying? The damage worry does is far more than the problem that leads to worry. Someone said that worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength. Worry is the opposite of trust in God. If you can worry, you can trust God. Phil 4:6-7 encourages us not to worry but to pray about everything. The moment you start worrying, you start saying that God is unable to settle your case.

Jesus showed a perfect example of how we should not worry in Mark 4:38, when despite the storm on the sea, he was still sleeping. Worry gives the devil upper hand. Worry downplays the capability of your God.

With God on your side, you don’t have to worry about anything. Cast all you worries and cares on God, for he cares about you. Why worry when God is on the throne? Just keep calm and trust God to sort you out.   

Have a worry free day.

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