Sunday 23 February 2014


February 23, 2014

In the book of Judges 6, Bible says that the Midianites prevailed against the Israelites so much that whenever the Israelites sowed and it was time to harvest, the Midianites would come and destroy their harvests.

When the time came for them to be rescued, an angel appeared to a young man by the name Gideon and said to him, “The LORD is with thee, thou mighty man of valor, you have been chosen to deliver Israel.” Immediately the man heard this, he got furious and replied, “Me, this small me, maybe you don’t know Lord, my family is poor in Manasseh, and I am the least in my father's house.” He had so many reasons why he couldn’t become great.

Thank God for mercy, Gideon would have ended his life as a nobody. So many times we dream big but play it small because each time we want to launch out, there is something telling us that; my parents aren’t wealthy; I am not academically qualified; I do not have the right connection and as such we give up and die as ordinary men.

Today, I have just a message for you that – YOU ARE NOT AN ORDINARY MAN. Just like Gideon, I have come to inform you that it doesn’t matter where you were given birth to or who gave birth to you; you are not an ordinary man. You are not a nobody. Rom 8:19 says “For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.”

The world is waiting for you to release that song; the world wants to read your book; men are eager to buy your inventions; kings want to hear you speak; sir, do away with fear of whatever and go manifest. Someone said that the graveyard is the most talented place as there are unsung songs, unwritten books and so many unfulfilled dreams lying there. May you not contribute to the richness of the graveyard.

Super Sunday Service!

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