Monday 17 February 2014


February 17, 2014

We live in a world where it is not uncommon to hear, “I want to be like this person, I want to be like that person.” The black man wants to be like the white man. The short guy wants to be like the tall guy. The fat lady wants to be like the modelling-fit, flat tummy lady. Many people, in the course of wanting to be like another person have lost their own identities. This ought not to be so. Someone said the best you can be while trying to be like another person is second best.

Psa 139:14 says, “I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” That establishes the truth that God created you the way you are because that’s the best way you can become who He created you to become. It is not uncommon to hear interviewers ask, “Why do you think you are the best fit for this job?” In order words, what is different about you? Rom 12:2a says, “Be not conformed to this world.”

There is something different about you. There might be one million and one dark skinned or white skinned people in your community, but none of them can whistle, giggle, cry, smile or scream, laugh, write, sing or even fight exactly like you. As a matter of fact, no one on earth can cook burnt food exactly like you. You were made differently because that’s the you that the world needs. Value your difference. The world would have been a boring place if we were all alike.

Whatever or whoever you are, dare to be different. It was easy for Ahaziah to identify Elijah in 2 Kings 1 because Elijah’s style of ministry was different. It takes an understanding of your difference to make a difference here on earth. The only thing that would make clients patronize you is how different your service is compared to that of others. As you go about this week, dare to be different, dare to be you.

Follow on twitter @Iamhenrylong 

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