Tuesday 18 February 2014


February 19, 2014

Change, they say is constant. Change happens on a per second basis, especially considering the peculiarity of the human makeup, anything and anyone can change anytime. You and I know that the beauty of raw gold would only come out when it has changed to gold accessories.

Going through past records of how Jesus healed, it was common to hear, “Thy faith made thee whole,” or, “And he commanded the blind to see,” etc. However, Jesus changed the approach when a blind man was brought to Him in John 9. Bible says, “He spat on the ground, and made clay of the spittle, and he anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay.”

I am so sure that the blind man would have wondered if Jesus knew what He was doing, but thank God he embraced the change and got his healing. In 2 Kings 5, Naaman would have remained a leper for life if not for the wisdom of his servant who embraced the change in the healing process prescribed by Elisha.

Change is necessary so life can be more meaningful and interesting. I have realized that when God wants to change a situation, it is not done in some magical way. He changes a person, and the changed person changes the situation. When God wanted to stop the persecution of His people in Damascus, He changed Saul to Paul.

Sometimes, all you need do to get more clients, make more profits, enjoy your marriage, attract the spouse of your dream, and get the job you so desire is to change your strategy. If the way you have been doing it all these while is yet to yield any meaningful result for you, then change is necessary; change of prayer life, spending habit, dress sense etc.

Someone said only a mad man keeps doing the same thing the same way expecting a different result. Don’t be too spiritual to embrace change; remember that people who refuse to embrace change gets changed and replaced.

Follow on twitter @Iamhenrylong 

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