Thursday 13 February 2014


February 14, 2014

A law is a universal phenomenon. Take for instance the law of motion that states that an object remains on the same spot unless an external force is applied to it. If you like, buy a 2014 Rolls Royce Phantom car, it would forever remain an artifact and not a motor vehicle until you start the engine and drive it. If you start the engine and you refuse to drive, the law states that you will forever remain static.

The same law that applies to the high also governs the low. The law of harvest states that whatsoever a man sows, he shall reap. It then means that only a fool sows corn and starts praying to reap rice. In the kingdom of God, the law of harvest is one of the laws that if well obeyed, you are on your way to the top.

Haman was the king’s right hand man. In the book of Esther, he started sowing evil. Bible says he went ahead to make gallows which would be used to hang Mordecai, but he had forgotten that Job 4:8 says, “They that plow iniquity, and sow wickedness, reap the same.” Haman ended up being hanged instead of Mordecai.

Many of us go about our daily lives asking for God’s mercy whereas we are wickedness in person. Prov 22:8 says, “He that soweth iniquity shall reap vanity.” Many of us go about sowing discord among brethren forgetting that God hates such as stated in Prov 6:19. Gal 6:7 says, “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”

As a matter of truth, the law of harvest states further that you reap more than you sow. Hos 8:7 says, “For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.” What harvest are you expecting? Check the seed you are sowing. If you sow right, you will harvest right. If you sow righteousness, you will reap abundant life, if you sow iniquity, you will reap otherwise. Be wise!

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