Wednesday 12 February 2014


February 12, 2014

It is not strange to hear some people say, “I am bored,” “I am sick and tired of everything,” “I need something new to do.” On the other hand, there are some other set of people who would tell you, “Life is terrific,” “I feel really good,” “I am having the best time of my life.” Personally I know that life is not boring – it is a pretty fantastic and interesting place to be.

Active people, and those interested in everything going on in the world are most likely never to be bored. Someone said boredom is not a disease, it is a state of mind, no wonder, there is no drug to cure it. Life is only boring for people who do the same thing over and over and over again without any experience of freshness.

However, as believers, boredom is never to be mentioned by you. Studying the life of Jesus tells us that He had a swell time while here on planet earth. Bible says Jesus went about doing good, healing and delivering and preaching and saving from one city to another. There was never a dull moment in the ministry of Christ because it wasn’t monotonous.

In 2 Kings, Prophet Elisha was going from city to city raising the dead, feeding the poor and delivering the oppressed. When he died, ordinarily, you expect that a dead body automatically takes the form of boredom, but even Elisha’s corpse raised another dead man from the grave. You can avoid boredom all your life if you remain active and the only way to be active in life is when you are filled with hope that life is good.

Nick Vujicic is a motivational speaker and preacher without limbs who said, “I am having a swell time without limbs. I travel round the world, swim, dance and participate in sporting events.” So what about you? You have your hands and legs intact yet you keep crying, “I am bored.” Try something new today and boredom would vanish.

Follow on twitter @Iamhenrylong 

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