Tuesday 4 February 2014


February 4, 2014

There is a story of a little boy of sixteen years who said to his father, “Daddy, I don’t want to be milking you every day, I want to get a job too.” The father was shocked but said, “Ok, I will talk to some of my friends, and see what they can offer you, but note that it may be impossible.” The boy said, “I am not asking you to help me, I am going to get it on my own and also, don’t be so negative, dad.”

So he saw an ad in a local supermarket and applicants were asked to come for interview by 8am on a Monday. The boy got to the supermarket about quarter to eight only to meet about twenty other young boys on the queue. This boy thought to himself that any of the boys could be hired, but he wanted the job, so after a deep thought, he wrote a note and gave it to the interview coordinator, “Ma, this note is for the interviewer and it’s very important he gets it now. Please ma.”

She read the note, smiled and went to place it on the interviewer’s desk. When he also saw it, he laughed. The note read, “Sir, I am the twenty first kid on the queue, don’t take any decision until you see me.” Did he get the job? Yes he did. There is no problem without solution if and only if you would take time out to think it through. Impossible is nothing.

Thinkers don’t stink. The woman with the issue of blood in Matt 9 was stinking until she thought to herself after so many years, “If I could touch,” she did and got healed. The scripture says, as a man thinketh, so is he. If you think you can make it, you can, if you think otherwise, that’s what you get. Don’t drop that idea because someone said it is impossible, think it through – there is always a way where there seems no way.

Follow on twitter @Iamhenrylong 

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