Tuesday 25 February 2014


February 25, 2014

Many times when we are faced with challenges and difficulties, the most natural thing to do is to back out. For some people, that is the time to say, “If you can’t beat them, you join them.” However, I have a different opinion as I have realized that life obeys the persistent man/woman.

In Gen 32, 24-32, Jacob wrestled with a man over the night – that’s like 8 hours of non-stop battle. To make matters worse, Jacob’s thigh got out of joint which would have made movement uneasy for him, yet he kept singing, “I will not let thee go, except thou bless me.” Naturally, he should have surrendered because of his dislocated thigh but he knew that whoever keeps at it succeeds at it. As a result, his name was changed to Israel and on top, he got blessed by God.

There is an old saying that, “when fate throws a dagger at you, there are two ways to catch it; either by the blade or by the handle.” Catch the dagger by the blade and it may hurt you or even cut off your hand, but if you catch it by the handle, you can use it to fight your way through. When faced with a big obstacle, that’s not the time to start crying and wailing, that is the time to get your fighting spirit ready for battle.

What obstacle are you battling with and it seems it won’t go away, remember, Jericho as tall and strong as it was fell because of the persistent walk around it and the shout of Hallelujah, please I know holding on seems the most difficult thing to do, but remember that had Jacob let go, his name would never have been changed.

Don’t give up on your dream yet; don’t give up on that marriage; don’t give up on that career; there is a trophy to be won and it has your name engraved on it, so keep on keeping on. I look forward to receiving your celebration invitation.

Follow on twitter @Iamhenrylong 

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