Monday 3 February 2014


February 3, 2014

Sometimes when you are trying to do something and you come against a very strong wall of opposition, the next thing that comes to your mind is turning back. One of the easiest tasks on earth is that of giving up. It is so easy to do which is why many go for it because we like life easy.

In Mark 2, four guys brought their paralyzed friend to Jesus but the crowd was so much that they couldn’t have access to Jesus. Ordinarily, they tried and could have said, “We will try some other time,” however, these guys knew that winners don’t give up, so they thought of how to get their friend to Jesus. Bible says, they broke up the roof of the house where Jesus was and in the end, the paralyzed man got his healing.

I don’t know what you are trying to achieve that looks like all road is blocked. The harder you try, the more the blockage. The truth is, the closer you are to your breakthrough, the harder the trouble/opposition/barrier etc. So, I urge you, no matter what you are going through, press on sir, don’t you dare give up ma.

Hannah was always going to Shiloh yet no result, she could have decided to quit going to Shiloh but she knew that quitters don’t win and winners don’t quit, so she kept going until her answer was released. I know it is always very hard to keep on going on especially when the going gets tougher, but I need you to understand that God is working out something for you, so don’t you throw in the towel. It is time to get creative.

The woman with the twelve years flow of blood didn’t give up, she got creative by touching the hem of Jesus’ garment. The four friends got creative by tearing up the roof of another man’s house just so their friend could be healed. Receive the creativity you need to breakthrough today in Jesus Name. Amen!

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