Saturday 8 February 2014


February 8, 2014

We live in a world where many people are depressed. And if you look at the reasons why they are depressed, they are genuine reasons; spouse is making life unbearable; children are naughty; career stagnancy; unemployment; terrible and unfavorable economy etc. However, going through our life manual, I discovered that depression is not from God.

In 1 Kings 19, the all-powerful Prophet Elijah became so depressed that he left the city and went into a cave. When God asked him what was happening, he blurted out, “I am so tired, I am worn out, I am pulling out, I am doing this no more, all the prophets in this land have been killed and I am the only one left and they seek to kill me too.”

I am sure God would have laughed before saying in verse 18, “Son, I have seven thousand in Israel, who have not bowed unto Baal.” In order words, you have no reason to be depressed, you are not the only one left, I still got a whole lot of unused prophets. Immediately Elijah heard this, he gained uncommon strength and that was when he found Elisha.

I don’t know how long that pity party has lasted for or why you organized it at first; all I know is that depression isn’t God’s plan for any man. Bible says Jesus came so you can have life and have it more abundantly. Depression weakens faith. Depression causes frustration and anger and ultimately untimely death.

Sir/ma, no matter the situation, keep your head up, Bible says forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before. Why don’t you put an end to that pity party and press forward? Yesterday is gone, stop worrying about it, and move on. It’s hard I know; he broke your heart, you were laid off; you lost a fortune; sir, you still got your life. Get out of the cave.

Enjoy your weekend!

Follow on twitter @Iamhenrylong 

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