Monday 17 February 2014


February 16, 2014

There are various problems and challenges going on in the world today. I am sure you know of one or two problems in your community that everyone is always complaining of. Problems and challenges are opportunities needed for people to get promoted in life. In order words, the set of people that would become great and influential in life are those called solution provider.

Years back, telecommunication was through landlines. However, today, Nokia, Samsung, Tecno, etc. have all made life so easy by making available affordable phones and as such, these companies are making very juicy profits. Microsoft solved computer problem and today, they are doing good.

Looking at the ministry of Jesus while on earth, you would agree that He was a solution provider. Bible says in Acts 10:38 that Jesus went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil. As a result of that, multitudes followed Him everywhere He went. His fame spread abroad because He was known as a solution provider.

Sometimes ago, an employer told the employee, “I didn’t employ you because I like your face, I did because there is a problem which I need you to solve.” Solution providers are valuable people and they are never found saying “I am broke.” In this season, if you would like to become great, then you have to become a solution provider. People need solutions to their problems.

The Bible says in Matt 25:29 that, “For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.” That’s why poor people out of their penury still make rich people richer because the rich make affordable housing available for them. Problems aren’t to be dreaded, they are to be solved. I pray for you that the problem that you would solve and would catapult you to the top comes your way this season in Jesus Name. Amen!

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