Thursday 13 February 2014


February 13, 2014

A retired military officer by the name Colonel Sanders was 65 years old when he decided to start using his special recipe for frying chicken for sale. He didn’t have enough money so he approached few restaurants around his vicinity to have them employ him make his special chicken but they all told him, “That cannot sell here.”

This man kept on going about until he broke through and today, his establishment – KFC, is not only doing fine in America but also expanding into other parts of the world. Have you ever heard the word, “that can’t work?” Many people have been programmed into accepting that failure sometimes is inevitable. Well, I don’t care from what school of thought that’s gotten from, all I know is when God created you, He didn’t create a failure because Gen 1 says that everything that God made were good.

In 1 Sam 17, when David came out to fight Goliath, he didn’t for once think that he was going to fail. That’s why I wasn’t surprised that he killed Goliath. Bible says, they that know their God shall be strong and shall do exploits. As believers, remember as a man thinks, so is he, so if you think failure, you end up a failure. You shall not fail in Jesus Name. Amen!

Jesus said, greater works than He did shall we do. That then means that, greater success, greater victory, greater miracles and greater glory shall you enjoy. Friends, please do away with the mentality that one has to fail to succeed. Whose report do you believe? Others might have failed before succeeding, but you are to succeed 24/7/365.

Erase every thought of failure off your mind, because you are wired to succeed. Jesus didn’t and can’t fail, so why do you keep nursing that evil thought of failure? Don’t let the thought of failure cripple your destiny. Maybe you didn’t know before now, but I am come to tell you that YOU ARE A NOT A FAILURE.

Follow on twitter @Iamhenrylong 

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