Thursday 6 February 2014


February 6, 2014

Sometimes, our parents have difficulties meeting some of our needs. Sometimes, our spouses might not even be able to provide some things for us. Countless number of times, our churches or communities find it hard to meet some of our needs. However, I have come to understand that God provides for the needs of His own children in a special and uncommon way.

In Exo 16, the children of Israel became hungry after leaving Egypt. They were in the wilderness, they could have gone hunting, but they cried unto God, and He decided to show them that He is God and because He does as He pleases, Bible says, in the evening, they had quails to eat, and the most amazing part of it was that, bread was rained down for them as breakfast.

Bible says in verse 35, that they ate the bread from heaven for 40 years. I am sure there would have been wheat bread for those who wanted it; butter bread for those who wanted it; maybe toast bread also; yeast bread; corn bread; fruit bread; unleavened bread etc, which was why they never got tired of eating the bread.

In 1 Kings 17, immediately the famine started, a raven was appointed Elijah’s chief chef. Bible says in verse 6 that, “And the ravens brought him bread and flesh in the morning, and bread and flesh in the evening; and he drank of the brook.” The moment the brook dried up, there was another woman waiting to feed him. Others were complaining of hunger, but Elijah never knew the meaning of hunger because his source was God.

I urge you today, shift your gaze off humans – they are also looking up unto God for help. Look unto God, that’s where your help is going to come from. God can meet any need no matter how hard it is for a man to meet. My prayer for you today is that, you will enjoy The Great Provider anew in Jesus Name. Amen!

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