Monday 14 April 2014


April 15, 2014

There is a story of two bricklayers. One of them was never happy while the other was always seen singing and rejoicing while working. One day, someone came to the site where they were working and asked them separately what they were doing. The negative one said, “We are just laying bricks. It’s such a boring job and you can’t imagine we have been doing this for close to twenty years.”

On the other hand, the second bricklayer said, “I am so excited to be one of the people who would walk by this building in years to come and say – I built that. What a great honor!” I am sure you have heard or at one time or the other said, “TGIF – Thank God Its Friday.” A recent survey shows that many people are happier on Fridays than they are on Mondays. Another survey says that there are more cases of heart attack on Mondays than on Fridays. People just make up their minds to be happy

The truth is we are the creators of our experience – happiness or unhappiness. Psa 118:24 says, “This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” In order words, whether it is Monday or Tuesday or Saturday – it is the day the Lord has made. I understand that some days could appear hectic, but program your own mind never to have a hectic or a hell of a day, because it is the day the Lord has made.

Every day is a gift from God and remember that He only gives good and perfect gifts, so, every day is a good and perfect day. Don’t waste the gift of today by staying unhappy, unleash your happiness. You might not be happy going to the office today because of the task ahead, but you will be unhappier if you lose that job, so be happy you even have a job.

Thank God Its Tuesday!

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