Monday 7 April 2014


April 7, 2014

Many of us go through life complaining about one thing or the other; not enough money; low pay job; bad road; terrible customers; corrupt leaders; bad weather; difficult boss; nagging wife; irresponsible husband; unfaithful spouse, etc. As a matter of fact, I tell people that no one needs to be educated to know how to complain. It comes naturally.

One sad thing about making complaints your everyday worship song is that it doesn’t change anything. That you complain about your car doesn’t get it fixed. That you complain about how corrupt your leaders are doesn’t make them less corrupt. Someone said if you complain, you remain, but if you praise, you will be raised.

When Jesus showed up at Lazarus’s place in John 11, Martha started singing complaints in His ears; “if only you had come much earlier, my brother would not have died,” “ if only there was chopper, we would have hired one to come pick you so you could get here faster.” But she realized that the more she complained the longer her dead brother stayed in the tomb so she quickly came back to her senses and said “but now that You are here, whatever you ask God to do, He will do.”

Sir/ma, stop complaining about what you do not have – God is not interested in that. Your act of complaint is a total sign of distrust in the power of the Almighty. Phil 4:6 says, “Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.” God did not say through complains and murmurings, make your requests known.

Replace complain with gratitude. You might not have a good job, yet your source of food is not from restaurant’s refuse bin. You might not be a billionaire yet, you don’t beg for alms. Sir, you might not be where you aspire to be, but you are not where you used to be. Stop complaining and start giving thanks.

Enjoy God all through this week.

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