Sunday 27 April 2014


April 27, 2014

It is one thing to be talented, it is another thing to be competently talented. There are many talented footballers, but only the competent ones find their ways to the top. To be competent is to be skillful, knowledgeable, capable or proficient. I have seen that it takes competence to be relevant in life.

In 1 Samuel 16, because the Spirit of the Lord had departed from Saul, Bible says an evil spirit troubled him. To relief Saul of the distress of the evil spirit, a skillful harp player was needed. I am sure someone would have thought of staging an audition to select the harp player but Saul’s servant remembered one skillful harp player he once saw – David. That was how David found his way to the palace in preparation for taking over the throne. Bible says the gift of a man bringeth him before kings and not before mean men.

Believers were created to be the most competent set of people on earth because of the gene of the Creator of heaven and earth on the inside of us. However, I see many of us trying to substitute spirituality for competency. Isaac, David, Joseph, Solomon and even Jesus were not just spiritual, they were competent. There is what you need to do and there is what God will do. He has given you the talent, it is your job to refine it. It takes talent to just talk, it takes competence to speak. Someone said, talent is never enough.

God gave us the crude oil, it is our job to refine it; He gave us the raw gold, it is our job to mine it. He has given you the talent needed to make your world and the world around you a better place; your job is to refine it. Get competent at what you do. Read books, attend conferences and seminars. Most importantly, be an unrepentant reader of God’s word. Keep learning because the day you stop learning, you start dying.

Keep Shining!

Follow on twitter @Iamhenrylong

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