Sunday 27 April 2014


April 26, 2014

I was having a review with one of my mentors and he rephrased a Bible verse that if a thief is diligent enough, he shall rob palaces. In that series 24HOURS, some terrorists were able to break in to the Whitehouse because they were very diligent. To be diligent means to be hardworking; thorough; attentive or industrious. I have discovered that the people making history happen are not just the schooled ones, but also the unschooled but diligent ones.

Prov 22:29 that says, “Seest thou a man diligent in his business? He shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men.” Did it say seest thou a man with a university degree or with a Harvard degree? NO! Academic intelligence without diligence will only lead to frustration and emotional breakdown. As a matter of fact, it doesn’t take academic power to become diligent. To be diligent means to be persistent in achieving the completion of a particular task.

When I came across Prov 12:24 that says, “The hand of the diligent shall bear rule: but the slothful shall be under tribute,” I knew why it was quite easy for King David to become very wealthy and great during his time. You would agree with me that King David was a typical example of a diligent man. Before he got anointed as king, he was always found taking care of his father’s flocks. The Bible says the hand of the diligent maketh rich.

The lazy person wants to have but he’s not willing to work at it, while the diligent does not just want to have, he goes for it, he works at it. God is not interested in laziness, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, Elisha, Peter, James and John, even Jesus had occupations they were doing, and they were diligent. Whatsoever thine hand findeth to do, do it diligently well. You can become anything you want to be if only you will diligently work at it.

In all thy getting, get diligent. Enjoy!

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