Friday 4 April 2014


April 4, 2014

Once upon a time a very strong woodcutter was given a job in a timber factory. The pay was good and also the working condition was fantastic, as such, the woodcutter gave in his best. On the first day, he brought 18 trees. “Congratulations,” the boss said, “go on that way, and you would soon become head woodcutter.” Energized by the master’s words, the woodcutter tried harder the next day but was only able to bring 15 trees.

On the third day, he tried even harder but he was only able to bring 10 trees. Day after day, he was bringing less and less trees. He went to the master, “Sir, I am sorry, I must be losing my strength.” The master asked, “When last did you sharpen your axe?” The woodcutter looked at him surprisingly and said, “Sharpen? I had no time to sharpen my axe. I have been busy cutting down trees.”

Abraham Lincoln said, “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four hours sharpening my axe.” One of the ways to sharpen our axes is through studying books and people. 2 Tim 2:15 says, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” When last did you read a book about your career line?

Daniel said in Dan 9:2 that in the first year of Darius’s reign, he understood by books. Someone said that when you want to hide a thing from a fool, put it in a book. Things are changing every day and the one that would enjoy the change is the one that has updated himself. The same set of skills some people possess five years ago is still the same they have today.

Sir/ma, sharpen your skills; read books, attend seminars, in all thy getting, get knowledge and most importantly, study the word of God because that’s the only way you are assured of good success (Josh 1:8).

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