Saturday 19 April 2014


April 19, 2014

Some days ago, I laid my hand on a book I named - my goal book, written thirteen years ago. While flipping through the book, tears came out of my eyes because I saw things I wrote back then and I never did execute. Unfortunately, some of things written in that book had been done by some other smart people while few are yet undone. Does that mean God is unfair? No! However, God is interested in those who have adopted the NIKE motto of “Just Do It.”

When God wanted to make man, it was out of an idea and that idea became their main goal in heaven, which was why God told His employees up there, “Let us make man in our own image and likeness.” God didn’t delay in executing that idea, He went into action immediately. Someone said the biggest businessmen make decisions with the speed of light and they do not dare delay or dally. One elderly friend of mine would always say, “Delay could be dangerous.”

In 1 Samuel 21:8, David said he forgot to travel with his spear because of the urgency. He said, “for I have neither brought my sword nor my weapons with me, because the king's business required haste.” Sir, the King of kings desires to change the world day by day and this He would do through people like you and I, but the moment one person somewhere is delaying the execution of that idea, God gives the idea to another person which is why most times, you hear people say, “And I have that same idea.” God’s business requires haste.

Stop delaying the execution of that wonderful idea. Step out in faith and all the necessary resources needed would surface. Always remember that delay could be dangerous. Isaac sowed in that same year of serious famine without no delay and he enjoyed hundred fold harvest. Enjoy your weekend.

Follow on twitter @Iamhenrylong

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