Tuesday 22 April 2014


April 22, 2014

Some of us have selected topics that we discuss with our parents – we feel there are some issues we can handle by ourselves. The same way, many of us have selected issues we take to God. We only involve Him when it comes to cases of life and death. However, while studying the life of great people in the Bible, I realized that they involve God in every little details of their lives.

In 2 Sam 2, David asked God, “I want to travel to any cities of Judah, should I go?” God answered and said, “Go!” As if that was not enough, he came back and asked, “I know you have asked me to go, but where in particular should I go to?” God told him Hebron. I am sure if Hebron was a strange land for David, he would have asked God which house to go to.

My point is that there is nothing too small for God to be involved in. The scripture says commit your ways (not just the big and terrible one, but all your ways) to the Lord, and He shall direct your path. In your going out and coming in, involve God. People who involve God in all their affairs are the ones who have the world revolving around them – they are the happening/reigning people. Saul stopped reigning because he felt he was self-sufficient.

When you involve God in your affairs, you can never go wrong. Sometimes, I would have had an idea of what to write as a topic for this devotional, but it has become an attitude for me to ask God, “What do you want me to write about?” Honestly, He is always on point. Involve God when eating or drinking (not alcohol though). Involve Him when writing that proposal or application. Involve God before you make that important sales call. Involve Him all the time in all your affairs.

You won’t need to worry when God is involved. Enjoy your day!

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