Monday 14 April 2014


April 14, 2014

It is an overheard statement that, “show me your friend, and I will show you the kind of person you are.” Humans are relational beings, however, one has to be cautious of who you associate with because who you associate with determines what the society associates with you. If the friends of a young virgin are big time whores, then no matter what the virgin says, no one would ever believe she is a virgin.

In 2 Sam 13, the life of very promising young prince – Amnon was terminated brutally because of the kind of friend he had. Amnon loved his sister and didn’t know how to go about it. However, the moment Jonadab (Amnon’s friend) was brought into the discussion, he immediately cooked up a scheme for Amnon to use in achieving his plan. The plan worked and Amnon succeeded in raping Tamar, which later earned him death.

Your association determines your orientation and in turn your position. A Nigerian adage says, a lamb that associates with a dog will also eat feces. Many people are on their way to the land of destruction and humiliation because of the kind of people they have chosen to associate with while some are billionaires today because of the friends they have. Sir, one of the things you should not have difficulty in doing is identifying if an association would make your better or bitter.

Another Nigerian adage says, “It is better to have ten set of good teeth than having thirty two bad ones.” Sir/ma, it is better for you to have one sensible and impactful friend than having one hundred non-value adding ones. Jesus had just twelve disciples, yet one of them sold Him, isn’t that a pointer to the fact that you don’t need too many friends to make it in life. Mind who you associate with because they would rub off on you. Associate with smart and creative believers who would challenge you into becoming a better person in life.

Be wise!

Follow on twitter @Iamhenrylong

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