Wednesday 9 April 2014


April 9, 2014

I am sure you have all heard the saying that, "He that kneels before God often stands before men always." Many times in our lives, the reason why some things aren't working isn't because we are not trying our best humanly speaking, but we have refused to get on our knees and pray to God for intervention.

In 1Kings 18, after Elijah had told Ahab to go up and eat because of the coming rain, Bible says in verse 43 that he bowed himself to the ground and prayed. As a result of that prayer, the years of drought experienced by the children of Israel ended. God said 2 Chron 7:14 that if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray (pride is the reason many don't pray believing in their efforts and wisdom), God said he will hear their prayers. 

Jer 33:3a says, "Call unto me and I will answer you." Many people have become preys in the hands of the enemy because they have refused to pray. If Jesus said greater works than He did we shall do, then we should pray more because Jesus was a prayer warrior while here. 

Sir/ma, if you want to shine; if you wan to be great; if you want to have good success; embrace the lifestyle of prayer. Pray in the morning, afternoon and night. An epileptic prayer life would only give you epileptic testimonies while the effectual and fervent prayer life would give you mighty and sweet testimonies. 

Stay blessed! 

Follow on twitter @Iamhenrylong 

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