Wednesday 23 April 2014


April 23, 2014

Humans were wired to give excuses for failure. This wiring system was installed by Adam and Eve. As a result of that, it is very cheap and easy for a man to tell you one million and one reasons why he failed at something or to do something. It started with Adam saying it was the woman that gave him the fruit; the woman said it was the serpent. Maybe if they had asked for forgiveness and stopped giving excuses, the Garden of Eden experience would not have been cut off.

There was a man named Jabez who according to the word of God was more honorable than his brothers yet he was decorated with sorrow. There was no single achievement. He had no success story. However, one thing I like about the man is that he didn’t let his limitation limit him, rather he took the limit off and went to God and prayed. He knew what he needed and he dealt with it. Bible says in 1 Chr 4:10 that granted his request.

Many people would say, if not that I don’t have a university degree, I would have gone far in life, sorry you don’t have it – deal with it. Some would say if only I was born white or in America my life would have been sweeter than this, sorry that didn’t happen – deal with it. If only I was married to Bill Gates, sorry ma, that didn’t happen – deal with it. Stop worrying about what you do not have and start working with what you have.

Jabez knew that he could go on and on and on dishing out various reasons why he couldn’t make it but he refused to do that, instead he went to God in prayer. No matter your situation, deal with it by going to God in prayer. Pray out your limitation and promotion would surface easily. I tell people, the more you pray, the better your pay (from God and man).

Stay blessed.

Follow on twitter @Iamhenrylong

1 comment:

  1. Ride on brother. We say here in NC, get on with it no pity part here
