Thursday 24 April 2014


April 24, 2014

Once upon a time, in a small town, a young man had an accident and he lost his right arm. Every single day was a day of bitterness for him as he was the only one with one arm in that town. Suddenly, some people invaded this young man’s town looking for men to use for rituals. After gathering all the men together, they were about taking them away when they noticed the young man with one arm. “He’s of no use to us,” said those people. That was how the young man was spared. His attitude changed from that day.

Many of us complain of things happening to us as not good, but I have observed that things do not happen to us, they happen for us. Rom 8:28a says, “All things work together for good.” I am sure David was not always happy having to go to the bush alone to shepherd his father’s sheep while his elder brothers would sit at home. But, while shepherding in the bush, David had the opportunity of fighting a bear and a lion, and must have thought to himself, “This is not good for my life.”

However, he kept going day by day not minding what was happening to him. Suddenly, Prophet Samuel surfaced and he didn’t see no other person to anoint king over Israel except the young man in the bush – David. If David had complained and stopped going to care for the sheep, maybe he would have missed that opportunity of becoming a king.

Wherever you are, please know that God has put you there for a reason. When you understand that, your mood won’t be dependent on your circumstances or on how someone treats you. So when next someone is treating you bad or you have to do extra time at work with no pay or you are going through a trying time, just tell yourself, “It’s all working together for my good.”

Have a better than good day!

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