Friday 11 April 2014


April 12, 2014

In a family, sometimes we notice that a particular child is more loved that the others. This is not peculiar to any tribe or race, it is a common occurrence. This then makes the other children start thinking maybe they have done something wrong at a particular point in time and that is why their parents do not love them.

Personally, I have realized that humans love conditionally; as long as you are an obedient child, I will always love you; as long as you remain a faithful spouse, my love for you would never shake. However, the love of Jesus for us is unconditional. That popular part of the scripture says for God so loved the world, in order words, even when the world was living in unrighteousness, God loved the world.

In John 8, a certain woman was brought to Jesus said to be caught in the middle of adultery. Ordinarily, one would expect that Jesus would ask her to be flogged considering what He did to those selling in the tabernacle. Instead, he told the people that brought her to him for judgment, “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.” After the accusers have all left, He told the woman, I am not condemning you, but please go and sin no more.

Sometimes we feel we are so dirty as a result of our sins that the love of God for us might be uncertain but I have come to tell you that it doesn’t matter what you have done in the past or you are doing right now, God still loves you which is why you are alive. With the kind of rebellious lifestyle the children of Israel lived, at a point, I felt God would just forsake them but His word in Psalm 27:10 says He is not a God that forsakes.

Jesus loves you for who you are, remember you are the handiwork of his father.

Enjoy your weekend.

Follow on twitter @Iamhenrylong

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