April 30, 2014
I have discovered that humans find it more interesting
to focus on what is wrong in their life, what they do not have and the troubles
and frustrations they are experiencing. It is not a bad thing to desire a
better life, but the best thing is to be grateful for what you have or where
you are.
Someone said he was crying he had no shoes, until he
met a man without feet. From that day, his attitude changed. Psalm 34:1 says, “I
will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.”
King David made a choice to always praise God no matter what was going on
because he understood that his life wasn’t so bad after all. I understand that
you are going through a tough and trying time, but believe you me, it is not so
bad. Some other set of people would gladly trade places with you if you would
1 Thess 5:18 says, “In everything, give thanks.” I understand
you do not live in a duplex or a well-furnished bungalow, but sir/ma, you are
neither homeless nor having a permanent suite in the hospital or prison yard. If
you would think very well, things are not so bad actually, it is just that you haven’t
been looking at life from the angle of appreciation. You may not be able to
walk, but you can see. You may not have a car, but someone isn’t wheeling you
about begging for alms. You might not have the best of job, but you have a
source of income.
Phil 4:8c says, “Whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever
things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise,
think on these things.” Stop wasting your time and energy thinking about what
you don’t have, appreciate God for what you have because, of a truth, if you
think well, you will realize things aren’t so bad.
Remember, to be raised, praise God.
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