Wednesday 17 July 2013


There is a story about a certain man that went against the law of the land and was meant to be killed. He however pleaded and the king agreed to pardon him only on one condition. The condition was that the man would walk fifty yards with a cup filled to the brim with water, and no drop of water must be seen.

When the day came, there were lot of people around. The moment this man started, people started cheering him, some booing him, while some were just indifferent. The next thing everyone knew was that this man walked fifty yards with a cup filled with water without a drop falling to the ground.

When asked, how he was able to achieve such with the noise and distraction from the crowd. He looked around surprised to see people and said, "I didn't even notice people were here. My ears were blocked to external voices and my eyes glued to the finish line."

The easiest thing on earth is to get distracted. In this age of technology where entertainment is now on the go, its very easy to forget the goal. Some of us have beautiful dreams and visions but the television is our main distraction. Some of us, the telephone is our greatest distraction.

Heb 12:2 says,"Looking unto Jesus, the author and the finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God." Had Jesus get distracted by the noise of the crowd asking Him to save Himself, the purpose of His coming would have been forfeited.

What is your greatest distraction? Phone? Switch it off before your destiny gets switched off. Maybe yours is television. I tell people, only people with vision gets seen on the television. Work at distracting your distraction.

I pray that you shall fulfill destiny in Jesus Name. Amen!

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