Wednesday 17 July 2013


July 8, 2013

There is a story of a king who had a very beautiful daughter. Whenever the time came for the women from the royal families to be given out in marriage, as it was the tradition of the village, capable young men would compete, and the winner of the competition would be the king’s in-law.

In this particular case, the competition was for the interested men to walk across a small river where there were vicious and hungry looking crocodiles in there. Another dangerous thing about showing interest in marrying from the royal family was that once you decide to compete, there’s no going back until someone won.

Some of the men started crying, mothers started wailing knowing full well that their sons were doomed already. Suddenly, there was this young man that was seen jetting across the river over those crocodiles. The moment he got to the other side of the river, he looked back and fainted.

When he was brought back to life and asked, how he was able to do that. “I was waiting to see who would be the first to go, when someone suddenly pushed me,” was the man’s response. Don’t rule yourself out too quickly, push yourself. There is no limit to what you can achieve in life. The scripture says all things are possible.

You have so much power inside of you yet untapped, but you have to unleash them else they lie dormant. Don’t wait for others to set the records, set them. Be the standard for others.

You shall not live short of God’s plan for your life in Jesus Name. Amen!

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