Wednesday 17 July 2013


July 1, 2013

On a certain Monday, one GM brought a coffin to the office. On seeing the coffin, everyone in the office started panicking. The GM quickly informed them that it was good news he brought. He asked the secretary to get everybody to the conference room.

Minutes later, he addressed the members of staff. "In this coffin is the corpse of the man that has been making our sales drop, our reputation dented and our brand bad. Each one of you would walk round the coffin to just to see the person, after which we shall all agree on what to do to the man."

They all walked round the coffin to see the enemy of the company but they were all amazed and surprised to see their own reflection. In other words, the GM did put a mirror in the coffin. At the end of the procession, he said, "We are all enemies of this company as long as we don't do our jobs well."

Sometimes in life, we tend to imagine the source of our problem as one enemy of ours but I have come to see that most times, we are our own problem. We don't pay tithe regularly or accurately. We don't give as we are instructed to do so. We disobey God. We hardly give to the needy. We are perpetual askers and occassional thankers.

Stop hindering your own progress, signs and wonders are your portion but you must do the needful. Be thankful, prayerful and a cheerful giver and I know that your latter shall be far greater and better than your former in Jesus Name. Amen!

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