Tuesday 23 July 2013


July 24, 2013

Sometimes you hear someone say; "We've done all we can. The only thing we can do now is pray." Sometimes, some of us pray only when we find ourselves at a crossroad. Prayer really should be our first resort rather than our last resort.

God is not oppressed or challenged by the size or degree of the problems we face. Our Lord’s power to help is just as potent in our modern times as He was in the era of the Old and New Testament. Hebrew 13:8 says He is the same yesterday, today and forever more. He is the unchanging changer. All you have to do to put Him into action as regards your case is to pray.

Prayer is mankind's most vital link with Almighty LORD God. It is, in fact, entering into His very presence with our requests, petitions and thanksgiving. Prayer is indeed the master key that opens the doors of Heaven and releases the power of God on this earth. In Luke 18, Jesus said men ought always to pray and not lose heart. Prayer is a constant talk with God. It is not just that which you do in the early hours of the morning, it is what you do every time and anytime. Prayer is the way we as believers communicate with the Supreme God.

Prayer makes available a whole lot of spiritual power to us. The more we talk with God, the more God will talk to us. When we pray to God, it makes available insight and understanding of God’s will for us. And the knowledge of God’s will, will help us in praying effectively. When you pray, God rains down help. When you pray, God releases blessings. When you pray, God gives you direction as to what to do.

The scripture says ye have not because ye ask not. Matt 7:7 says, ask and it shall be given unto thee. If you do not ask, you will never get. May every of your prayer requests receive speedy answers from above in Jesus Name. Amen!
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