Wednesday 17 July 2013


                                                                    July 17, 2013

Have you ever wondered why on earth you are still alive? Have you ever wondered when it is going to be your turn to rejoice? Phil 1:6 says, “He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the Day of Jesus”.  

I want you to know that God finishes what He started. He did not bring you this far to leave you on your own. If your assignment on earth is finished, then you won’t be reading this because you would have gone back to report to Him. No matter what life brings us remember this: God doesn’t change his mind and sure doesn’t make mistakes. If He said it, it shall come to pass.

It’s not our strength that keeps us, but it’s the power of God that keeps us going. So the next time you feel like throwing in the towel, know that Jesus will step in on time and give you strength. Remember that when facing trials, it’s God that is going to work it out. We are not responsible for saving ourselves, that’s God’s job. He will see you through every trial or battle. After all God is the one who designed, planned and predestined everything about you.

In spite of what others may say or call you, know that God is not done molding you yet.
There are new levels and new heights that God has prepared for you, there are great feats to achieve for God but you have to be patient, it takes time to create a masterpiece. So continue to read and study God’s word. I do tell people that the reason why you are still alive is because God is not done with you yet.

God never ever starts something and not finish it. He will not abandon you. He will not leave you helpless because you are His handiwork. May God continue to meet your needs according to His riches in glory in Jesus Name. Amen!

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