Tuesday 30 July 2013


July 30, 2013

There is a story of a man whose wife was having issues conceiving. They are great believers; active in the church but even after about six years of marriage there was no fruit of the womb. One day the brother was told that he has been accommodating sin in his life by not paying tithe accurately and regularly. He turned around instantly and became a rugged tither. Six months after the change of heart, the Lord heard their cry and the wife conceived. To prove that He is the God that gives double for past shames, He gave the couple a set of twins.

The Bibles says that our God is too holy to behold iniquity, which is why so many people keep battling with the same unpalatable situation because God cannot behold them. A friend of mine and I were sharing together recently and he said that act of sin would look like the sweetest to the sinner at the point of doing it, but the moment the person is done, that’s it.

Bible says that the wages of sin is death. I have heard so many people say that “I will sin, and ask for forgiveness later,” all because they feel, the death is not going to be instant, I am come to tell you that the wages of sin is not just physical death. Death is the absence of life in a thing, so the reward for engaging in sin could be marital, financial, spiritual, emotional, physical or mental death.

Sin is a destroyer of destiny. The reason why some of us are going about the same mountain for years is because we are still engaging in sin. Sin shortens the life of the sinner. However, no matter how destructive sin is, forgiveness destroys the power of sin faster and better. Stop living in sin; ask for forgiveness with your mouth. There is a colorful future out there for you, but sin dulls the brightness of your glory. As you ask for forgiveness this moment, everything you have lost to sin shall be restored unto you in double fold in Jesus Name. Amen!

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