Thursday 18 July 2013


July 19, 2013

A certain evangelist's wife died, and when he had to be away in meetings, he hired a babysitter to take care of his two sons. Whenever he had been away, he would always bring them a gift when he arrived back home. One day, however, he came home and had forgotten to buy the boys a gift. When they asked for their presents, the father told them that he would take them to the store and that they could have whatever they wanted. When they arrived, the first thing they saw was the candy counter. They decided they wanted to buy candy. Their father said, "Let's look around a little more first." Then, they went to the toy department and saw some cowboy suits, complete with guns, hats, ropes, etc. They both yelled, "This is what we want!" Their father replied, "Let's just look around a little first."

So they continued to shop and as they did, they spotted 2 brand new 10 speed bicycles against the back wall. Their father saw what they were looking at and said, "How would you like to have those bikes?" Those 2 boys left that store with far more than they bargained for because their father refused to let them settle for less that his best. You see, he had intended to buy the bikes all along! Those 2 boys thought candy would be wonderful, but their father had something far more wonderful in mind.

So it is with the Lord, He has plans for us that we can never ever imagine. Isaiah 55:9, says “For as the heaven are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts” We see things and formulate plans that we think would be wonderful, but God has something far more special for us than we could ever imagine.
So, keep dreaming, keep trusting, keep serving because God is preparing a great victory for you to enjoy. He truly has something special for you and His plans for your life shall come to pass in Jesus Name. Amen!
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1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this story about the evangelist and his love and plans for his boys. I truly believe that like you said, God also has a plan for us.
