Wednesday 17 July 2013


July 9, 2013

James 1:2-3 (ESV) says, “My brethren, count it all joy when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.” There is a difference between the happiness that is available for them in outside world and the joy that is made available for believers. Joy is an optimistic spirit in response to the events of life. James is saying count it all  joy (whether good or bad).

Let us get this clear that trials are inevitable. As a matter of fact, someone said that without a test, there can be no testimony. To make it clear that there would always be trials, the scripture did not say “if”, but “when”, in order words, it’s too certain. There would always be challenges and trials and downs and all. Business might not boom as expected; things might not turn out as expected; but we are commanded to count it all joy.

Brother Job could have remained sad for the rest of his life but he later realized that the joy of the Lord is even a source of strength. The joy of the Lord is the ability to rejoice in the storm. Trials come anyhow. Did David offend Saul before the king started haunting the young man’s life? NO! Also, David brought trial upon himself when committed murder.

James knew that there would be economic crisis; job cuts; marital issues; health issues; various challenges and all, so he quickly gave us the therapy which is joy. Phil 4:4 says, “Rejoice in the Lord, always; and again I say, rejoice.” It is difficult to do, but with faith, all things are possible. Have it at the back of your mind that even in difficult times, God has a great plan for you. His thoughts (whether you are feeling good or not) is good and not evil. Problems come and go, count it all joy. Refuse to stay down else the devil compound issues, no matter what you are going through, count it all joy.

My prayer is that the grace to rejoice always be released on us all in Jesus Name. Amen!

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