Monday 3 June 2013


June 3, 2013

Have you ever wondered why we call God the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? I agree He is God of Abraham because Abraham was the father of faith. He is God of Isaac because Isaac was obedient; he was willing to be sacrificed. But God of Jacob, c’mon! Hey, Jacob was a cheater and a scam. So how come God is saying He is the God of Jacob?

What God is trying to tell us is that, He is not just the God of saints and perfect people; He is the God of those who have had a rough past. He is the God of those who have failed before.

Later in life, Jacob became a great man and God had to change his name from Jacob (deceiver) to Israel (cleansed with God).

Stop using your past as an excuse for your present situation. Some people are fond of saying, “if only I was given birth to in maybe Abuja or London, then things would have been a little better.”

The four lepers looked beyond their medical status, and forged ahead, then why not you? Isaac saw famine in Gerar so much that people were relocating to Egypt and other neighboring countries. But Isaac did not use the fact that there was famine or that people were moving as an excuse not to sow. He sowed in that land and reaped a 100 fold harvest.

The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof. Silver and gold belongs to our God. Honestly, you don’t have any excuse for failure. Wake up this moment and do away with that garment of excuse. Jesus could have told the Father, “Don’t let me die now because there are still more sinners,” but He didn’t say that because He knew that excuses are for losers.

Your color, age, stature, gender or origin is not an excuse, destinies are tied to you. If you refuse to fulfill your destiny, you deny them the opportunity to fulfill theirs.

I pray that you shall fulfill destiny in Jesus Name. Amen!

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