Saturday 15 June 2013


June 16, 2013

The story is told of two ducks and a frog that lived happily together in a farm pond. The best of friends, the three would amuse themselves and play together in their waterhole. When the hot summer days came, however, the pond began to dry up, and soon it was evident they would have to move.

This was no problem for the ducks, who could easily fly to another pond. But the frog was stuck. So it was decided that they would put a stick in the bill of each duck that the frog could hang onto with his mouth as they flew to another pond. The plan worked well--so well, in fact, that as they were flying along a farmer looked up in admiration and mused, "Well, isn't that a clever idea! I wonder who thought of it?"

The frog said, "I did..." You can conclude the story yourself. He fell down and died. Pride is esteeming one’s self above other people. Do you think that because you have achieved certain things or have certain things that you’re better than somebody else?

Pride is an attitude of independence from God. Pride turned Lucifer, the son of morning, to Satan, the father of night. There has never been an argument, a war, a divorce, nor was a church split that pride not the major factor. Proverbs 13:10 says, “Only by pride cometh contention  . . ." and Proverbs 28:25 says, “He that is of a proud heart stirreth up strife . . .

Who is a proud person? A proud person will not accept responsibility for mistakes and becomes irritated when corrected for mistakes. A proud person sees himself as the biggest and the best. James 4:6 says that God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.

Christ is not proud despite His powers. So, what do you have that’s puffing you up. Don’t forget that “Pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall." I pray that every spirit of pride inside of us melt away in Jesus Name. Amen!

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