Tuesday 4 June 2013


June 5, 2013

Recently, I was meant to collect something from someone and I didn't know how to ask. The person owed me and I was not wired to know how to ask for pay back. Sometimes I wire myself to do that though when the need arises. In this case, I could not ask for reason yet unknown to me even though I have used several body languages.

Suddenly, I just decided to hand over the task of doing that which I couldn't do to the Holy Ghost. “Holy Spirit, put it upon the heart of this person to pay me” was the short prayer I prayed. Friends, it was not up to one minute that the person came to me to say “I am meant to give you some amount, right?” He did not even allow me respond before sorting me.

At that point, I came to understand that the reason why we all struggle through life is because we have categorized some things as “my tasks” and some as “for God to fix.” However, when any of the items in the “my tasks” list end up not working out well, we now move it to “for God to fix” list whereas, we should have just moved everything into His plate from the onset.

A mother shared a story of how his son would refuse her help with his homework each time she offered to help. Each time the son refused, the loving and gentle mother would let him be, but she noticed that the son would always come back to ask for help after the teacher has graded the homework and he missed one or two of the questions.

Bible says that the Holy Spirit is our helper. Doesn't it then make sense to just ask for help from Him? The Holy Spirit should not be your plan B; He is your entire plan. He knows how best to help you. Stop going it your way, ask for direction from Him. Stop doing it your way, ask for guidance from Him.

I pray that as you ask the Holy Ghost for help, He will answer you speedily in Jesus Name. Amen!

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