Friday 14 June 2013


June 12, 2013

One thing I have discovered with the human race is that we find it very hard to give out because we think the moment we give out, what we have tends to reduce in size so we keep keeping. Another way to provoke a status change in life is through the act of giving.

Let me be frank with you, the money or resources you have is never your own. Hag 2:8, says, “The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the LORD of hosts.”  You are just a steward. The way you manage what you have now will determine how much more you will get later.

The scripture says that God delights in your prosperity and as such He is the only One that gives power to make wealth, however, if you are not faithful in little, more will never be committed into your hands.

Stop keeping your money/resources away from God, after all, who gave you? If you want to be rich, save in the bank, but if you want to be prosperous and affluent, give to the Lord. Whatever you give God comes back to you in uncountable folds.

God gave Jesus and see how many souls He has gotten back and still getting back. That goes to tell you that the ROI you get when you partner with God with your money/resources will be more than what any bank could give you. If you would not release the little in your hand, God will not release the much in His own hand.

Pay your tithe regularly so things won’t be tight be for you. Give offerings in church regularly and see the kind of opportunities that will be offered unto you. Give to the poor, do good unto thy neighbor. Give to servants of God. For me, I always say that there are three ways to provoke divine change through giving which are; Give, keep giving and don’t stop giving.

As you become a rugged and unrepentant giver, your coast will be enlarged and you shall continually wax great in Jesus Name. Amen!

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