Sunday 9 June 2013


June 9, 2013

One of things I love about military people is that they follow order to the last detail. It doesn’t matter who the order is against, as long as the order is coming from the superior above, it has to be carried out.

As believers, you belong to the Jesus army battalion with headquarter in heaven. The Almighty God is the chief commander. Once an order comes from Him, it don’t matter who you are or what you are, the order has to come to pass. I mean no one can stop it or go against it, not even you!

One of such orders we can find in Isaiah 60:1, “Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee.”

No matter where you are; irrespective of your color or gender; not to worry about the life you have lived before; there is an order from headquarter that you, I mean you, should arise and shine. Listen to me, I have been asked to tell you that your rent in obscurity estate has expired, arise now and move to Shine Avenue.

Whether you like it or not is not an issue; whether the devil approves of it or not is not an issue; it is an order not from me, but from the ancient of days that you are arising and shining from today in Jesus Name.

The moment God told the children of Israel, “Ye have compassed this mountain long enough: turn you northward,” that was the moment the spotlight came back on them. They were in darkness before, but the moment they turned northward, light came back.

The word “esprit de corps” might mean nothing to a civilian. Same way a divine order would mean nothing to a mind not yet renewed by Christ. Give Jesus a place in your heart and start enjoying all the benefits attached.

In the name that is above every other name, from today, the same power that took Joseph from the prison to the palace takes you from obscurity to limelight in Jesus Name. Amen!

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