Sunday 9 June 2013


June 7, 2013

Recently I met a friend of mine that we grew up together and I could not believe my eyes. He was all built up, with lot of muscles everywhere. I was dazed. When we were in school, we both were nicknamed as the tiniest. The last time I saw him, he was still as skinny as myself.

I could not hold it anymore, so I asked him, “What have you been eating that has made you this muscular?” He smiled like a big boss in an action movie and said, “It is not food that has made me be like this, it’s the body building exercise that I have been doing.” In order words, my friend has been going to the gym regularly.

Do you know that we have power deposited inside of us? Just like we have muscles that are not been taken to the gym and as a result, they remain small. So also, the power inside of us is limited in action because we refuse to exercise it.

Apostle Peter had the power to heal inside of him even before Jesus left them to be with the Father, but he never did use it until he saw the lame at the temple and the power came forth by reason of exercising it.

You have power to make wealth inside of you, go forth and prosper. You have power to tread upon the lion and adder and to trample the young lion and the dragon under your feet, so stop being fearful. You have power to heal the sick and set the captives free because whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven. Exercise your authority.

It don’t matter your rank if you do not use the power that comes with that office. It don’t matter your knowledge of the scripture if you do not apply it to life’s practical situations. Until you exercise your spiritual authority, it remains dormant and you remain on the same spot. Exercise your spiritual authority. Work it out. Take it to the gym.

As you do so, mountains will skip at your order in Jesus Name. Amen.

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