Sunday 16 June 2013


June 17, 2013

To redeem something could mean to exchange it for another. A slave bought with a price and freed could be referred to as “The Redeemed” and owes his freedom to the Redeemer. Slavery is a horrible experience.

The Israelites experienced the horribleness of slavery in Egypt as recorded in Exo 1:8-14.
History also records that Slave trade proceeded for about 200 years from Africa to the Caribbean and America, where slaves were made to work in the sugarcane plantations. Slaves were treated
in the most abhorrent and inhumane fashion. They suffered pain, torture, constant fear and death.

A large percentage of slaves are worked to death in their prime age while many succumb to diseases and malnutrition. Moreover they have no wishes of their own, no rights of their own nor sense of belonging. Whatever they labor for belongs to their owner.

The plan of Satan is to keep you and me in total bondage and slavery. The scripture says that the devil has come to steal, kill and destroy. He doesn’t want you to be free. He hates it when you celebrate years of super and sound health. He dislikes it when you have food to eat and even to share with the hungry.

God has redeemed us from shame, sickness, reproach, and sin through His son Jesus Christ and has blessed us. (Ps 107:2) but whoever chooses to still live in sin remains a slave to Satan. Christ died that you may live. He became poor that you may be rich. He gave His life in exchange for yours. You are entitled to live large on earth.

The only person that is allowed to still be under the bondage of Satan is that man that engages in sin. Sin sinks a man. Sin ridicules a man. Sin blocks God off the life of a man.

Every sin that takes you back to Egypt (land of captivity and slavery) be broken off right now and may the grace never to return back to those sins be made available for you today in Jesus Name. Amen!

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