Sunday 9 June 2013


June 10, 2013

The first law of motion states that every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state unless an external force is applied to it. Mere looking at a 2013 model of Bugatti Veyron would not make it drive you to your desired destination until you turn on the engine and drive the car.

Sometimes we desire some changes but they seem not to be coming as at when we need them, as a result of this, we get sick and tired and start asking questions like, “God, why me?” Let me ask you a question, if you desire a change of cloth and the new cloth is in your wardrobe, what would you do? Remove the present one you have on you and put on the new one, right?

Divine change brings new things into your life. When God changed the status of O-bed-Edom, he became a totally different man. When God changed the status of Mordecai, his long delayed promotion came speedily. Jabez sat down and examined his life in 1 Chronicles 4: 9-10 and saw that he was not doing well at all.

Is your business, marriage, career, ministry not measuring up to your desired level? Don’t be fooled into believing that change is automatic. Like I always tell people, some of us believe that because God is all-knowing, then He can see am this and that, and He should sort me. No! It doesn’t work that way.

Note that heaven does not change what you can tolerate or endure. Until you get angry about your present level, you might not attain the next level you desire. You need to get to that stage of “I won’t let you go until you change my status.” However, anger alone would not solve it, there are steps to take.

One of the steps to take is to pray like Hannah did in 1Samuel 1:10-20. There is a popular acronym “PUSH” – Pray Until Something Happens. Pray your change into existence.

As you pray for a change this moment, your desired change would be released unto you in Jesus Name. Amen!

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