Saturday 1 June 2013


June 1, 2013

Faith is not faith when doubt can overcome it. Faith means, there is every evidence to show that this economic depression that has led to my been laid off at work has so eaten well into every aspect of our economy, but I know that My own God SHALL supply all of my needs, according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus. In order words, my source of supply is not primarily my employer but my creator.

Rewards await you if you stay steadfast in your faith. Don’t let doubters ruin your optimistic spirit. I know people who since the day I have met them, they have always have their reason why something cannot happen. Listen to me, doubters will never cease in the land. They are the people who are always asking, “What makes you think everything will work out?” “I am so not very sure that this idea will fly.”

Today, I want to tell you what to tell them. Look at them in the eyes and say, “My friend, the fact is, I myself don’t think it will work out. I know it will work out.”

Zech 9:12 says that we should be prisoners of hope. Hope feeds your faith and lifts your spirit. Listen to me, no man will encourage you. Ordinary men are wired to doubt so don’t be angry when even your best friend says “I doubt if this will ever work out.” Just tell him, “My God can do all things!”

Refuse to allow your faith waiver. Refuse to allow your faith get infected. Guard your faith jealously. Be steadfast in your faith; be rugged and dogged with your faith.

Hello, faith makes the impossible possible, and don’t forget that all things are possible to him that believes, so it takes a man of faith to believe that all things will be made possible for him.

I pray for you today in the name that is above every other name that, where your natural power cannot take you to, faith in the Almighty will take you past there in Jesus Name. Amen!

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