Friday 14 June 2013


June 14, 2013

There is a story of a woman that armed robbers came to the area where she was a shop owner. This woman was said to be very fat and was always referred to as “Big Mummy.” On the fateful day that armed robbers came to the area, when big mummy heard gun shots and saw the ammunition with the robbers, the story has it that big mummy became a great Usain Bolt-like sprinter.

When she was asked after the incident how she was able to run that fast, she said she never knew she could run that fast again until occasion called for it. She was already comfortable being called big fat mummy until something had to make her take on the character of slim fast mummy. The incident made her realize that there is no limit to what we can do as humans.

I am come today to tell you to refuse to be too comfortable with your situation. Kick yourself in the butt. There is no limit to what you can achieve or do. You are wonderfully and fearfully made. There is a giant inside you waiting to be let out. There is a lot inside of you.

Listen, you can do all things through Christ your strength. You can tread upon lions and serpents and they won’t dare hurt you. You can walk in the valley of the shadow of death, and you will not be scared. Greatness is inside of you. 1Jhn 4:4 says “greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.” Fruitfulness is inside of you. Prosperity is inside you.

You have the King of kings on the inside of you, which is why the Bible says in Rom 8:19 that the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. The world is waiting for you to manifest.

I pray that every latent gift inside of you that is needed for the fulfillment of your destiny on earth be released right now by the power of the Holy Ghost in Jesus Name. Amen!

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