Saturday 22 June 2013


June 22, 2013

Many years ago near the royal English residence on the Isle of Wight stood several homes for the poor and aged. A missionary, visiting some of the elderly people one day, asked a lady, "Does Queen Victoria ever call on you here?" "Oh, yes," was the answer, "Her Majesty frequently comes to see us." Then, wondering if the woman was a Christian, the missionary inquired, "Does the King of kings ever visit here?" The lady immediately gave him a happy, smile and replied, "No, sir, He doesn't visit here, He lives here.

I am sure you would agree; if there was ever a time when people were looking for comfort, it would be the day in which we live. Our nation is at war, our economy is in a mess, crime is at a level never seen before, and no one seems to know what to do. People are looking for answers. Stress Management Classes are now fast becoming one of the most attended classes.

One of the works of the Holy Spirit is to comfort the believer. The word "comforter" means "one to run to our side and pick us up." John 14:16 says “And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you forever.”

God gave us the Holy Spirit to comfort us in our times of distress and persecution and discomfort, when you are between a rock and a hard place, and those nights that you cry yourself to sleep

The Holy Spirit is in fact our comforter, our advocate, the one who runs to our side to pick us up, and our shoulder to cry on, our babysitter. Nobody will be able to hold you and tell you everything is alright like the Holy Spirit can, but YOU have to be the one to give him the room to do so. God will never leave us comfortless. Matt 28:20 says, “I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.”

My prayer is that the Holy Ghost will be your ever present comforter in Jesus Name. Amen!

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