Monday 3 June 2013


June 2, 2013

A high school professor of Psychology came to class to conduct a test for his students. Before distributing the question papers, he announced. “Guys, I am so proud of you all and I promise you that nobody will fail this subject and that is why I am here to make you an offer. If you want an automatic C, all you have to do is raise up your hand and I will give you a C.”

Slowly, one hand got up, and then another and another until about half or more of the class population were having their hands raised up. He asked them to put down their names and they left the class happy they at least got a C.

The professor distributed the question papers face down on the student’s desk and instructed them not to turn it over until they were told to do so. He then told them how they should always strive for the best in life after which he asked them to turn the papers open. On opening the papers, there were just two sentences in there; “Congratulations, you just made an A.”

Many times in life we accept a C not realizing that God has got an A for us. Many times we refuse to receive God’s best because we settle for less. The truth is all things are possible to him that believes. Settling for less is accepting what life offers. Friends, refuse life’s offers and accept God’s offers.  Jer 29:11 says for I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

Many times for the fear of been disappointed, we just play it cool. We lower the bar of expectations to avoid disappointment. That’s not the plan of God for us.  Aim high. The best sales should be yours. You should marry the best in the land. You should be the best in your school. You have an infinite capacity inside of you to do and to be all you have always wanted, for the seed of greatness is inside of you. You are God’s best and God’s bests don’t settle for less than God’s best!

You shall excel in Jesus Name. Amen!

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