Friday 29 March 2013


March 29, 2013

There is the story of a young soldier who had been condemned to death by Oliver Cromwell. He was to be shot at the ringing of the curfew bell. His fiancée climbed the bell tower and tied herself to the clapper of the giant bell so that it would not ring. When it was it time for the bell to be rang and it did not ring, soldiers went to investigate and found the girl battered and bleeding from being bashed against the sides of the giant bell. Cromwell was so impressed by her love for the young man that he pardoned him.

Because of love people do extraordinary things. In the popular movie – Titanic, a young man gave up his live for that of his woman. There is a tribe in Nigeria that for their young men to marry any lady, they would be seriously beaten black and blue until blood starts coming out. If the man can still endure the pain, he gets to marry the lady. Because of the love the men of that tribe have for their women, they would endure such pain.

God the father sent His dearly loved Son to be treated cruelly. He watched His only Son being nailed to the cross in agony. It was not a sweet experience at all, as I could tell how painful it was for me the day I mistakenly stepped on nails, not to now talk of someone that was intentionally nailed in both hands and feet. Honestly, you can only imagine, you can never feel how He felt.

The terror of the cross got so much that Jesus cried out. “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?”  God forsook His son on the cross because of the love He has for you and I even before you and I came into being. Romans 5:8, 10 says God has shown us how he loves us in that Christ died for us when we were still sinners all because.

My question is would you allow His love for you be in vain by crucifying Him all over again? By continuing in those habits that you and I know is displeasing to God. I pray that the death of Christ would not be in vain concerning you in Jesus Name. Amen!

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